The table shows the count and percentage of property markets from around Australia that had positive recent growth versus those that had negative recent growth. The counts are split into houses, units and both combined.
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We have two monthly updates:
Suburb Ups and Downs Report – our monthly report of the price movement in the market at the suburb level by houses and units.
In Data We Trust – our head of research – Jeremy Sheppard’s latest read on what trends he’s seeing in the data to give you an edge on your competition.
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The Suburb Ups and Downs Report showcases our latest data insights in the residential property market. It is designed to give you more coverage in terms of property price movements. It’s all well and good to know that prices are up or down in a city or a state, but what’s happening under that layer of information?
In data we trust is our monthly investigation into property data that matters – separating intelligent observations and insights from the generic property commentary out there. It’s more important than ever to go back to the data and understand what’s really happening in the property market rather than being spooked by the media headlines. Our goal is to help you unpack the numbers and provide you with reliable data and charts that are not commonly available elsewhere.
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