- Jeremy's Expert-Busting Series
“To go from novice property investor to expert, the 1st thing you need to do is write a book on property investing.
It seems like being an expert is as simple as having an opinion and sharing it confidently.
This series aims to refute a lot of the rubbish that might ruin an investor’s financial future.
It is an objective look at what the data says. It re-assesses long-held beliefs with historical evidence.
This series goes some way to identifying fake experts. But above all, it highlights the nonsense investors should avoid to make more astute investment decisions.”
Jeremy Expert Busting Series
- About the Demand to Supply Ratio
About the Demand to Supply Ratio

Getting Hotspots Wrong
- Jun 3, 2016
- Jeremy Sheppard
One Publication Investors Should Read Upside Down. The Housing Industry Association (HIA) publishes a report listing the top residential property markets around Australia which they call “Hot Spots”. But they are not hot spots for investors. On the contrary, investors should probably avoid these locations...

Brisbane Still No-Grow Zone
- Dec 14, 2015
- Jeremy Sheppard
8 months ago I’d had a gutful of hearing that Brisbane is the next growth city and that Sydney is too hot now. The suggestion was for investors to move their money out of Sydney and into Brisbane. Some of this advice was easy to ignore – it was from developers with a vested interest. “Brisbane follows Sydney by 18 months” they said...

What’s Your Time Worth?
- Oct 19, 2015
- Jeremy Sheppard
Should property investors wash and iron their clothes or get them dry cleaned? Years ago I was frustrated at how long it took me to iron my shirts each week. I did some quick calculations in my head at the ironing table to see if it would be more efficient to have my shirts dry cleaned. I estimated the time it took for me to iron my shirts...
- General Knowledge
General Knowledge

Worst Financial Advice
- May 11, 2016
- Jeremy Sheppard
I read a blog titled, “The 6 biggest property investment myths”. You won’t believe the rubbish it was filled with. The introduction was ironic…
“Misinformation can stop your property portfolio in its tracks. Make yourself aware of the most common investment myths to separate fact from fiction.”

How to Counter Property Spruikers – Educators
- Feb 16, 2016
- Jeremy Sheppard
Property spruikers may take a number of forms, disguising themselves as professionals in the industry to gain trust despite having a vested interest. The common forms they mimic consist of: Real Estate Agents, Property Educators and Property Developers...

Murphy Report Supply and Affordability Bunkum
- Sep 15, 2015
- Jeremy Sheppard
Increasing housing supply won't improve affordability, a recent report suggests. In fact...
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