General Knowledge

Statistical Versus Fundamental Research

Worst Financial Advice

I read a blog titled, “The 6 biggest property investment myths”. You won’t believe the rubbish it was filled with. The introduction was ironic… “Misinformation can stop your property portfolio in its tracks. Make yourself aware of the most common investment myths to separate fact from fiction.”
Mask of property spruikers

How to Counter Property Spruikers – Educators

Property spruikers may take a number of forms, disguising themselves as professionals in the industry to gain trust despite having a vested interest. The common forms they mimic consist of: Real Estate Agents, Property Educators and Property Developers...
houses map

Murphy Report Supply and Affordability Bunkum

Increasing housing supply won't improve affordability, a recent report suggests. In fact...

No Such Thing As Too Hot

In order to witness price change, time must pass. Since property is a slow moving beast, looking at changes from one month to the next is...
Demographic Deceptions

Demographic Deceptions

You may have heard, "Don't buy units in a suburb dominated by big families". It sounds wise but is misleading.
Desperate For Capital Growth Drivers

Desperate For Capital Growth Drivers

Sometimes developers get desperate to find reasons why capital growth will take place in suburbs they've just built in. They need...