General Knowledge

Research Revolution

The Research Revolution

The way we research property locations is changing. New statistics are now available giving investors in the know a significant edge. The list...
population myth

The Great Population Growth Myth

For decades property investors have been taught that population growth is one of the most important drivers of capital growth. Not only is...
chocolate cake

I Want Cake Now

There's been a lot of mouthing off about how hard it is for 1st home buyers (FHB) to get into the market. I think I know what one of the...
areas in demand

Areas Always in Demand

Don't let the catch-cry "These areas will always be in demand" mislead you. We need to understand exactly what demand is and how to...
Abolishing negative gearing won't solve the problem

Abolishing Negative Gearing Won’t Solve the Problem

I'm a property investor and I'm OK with the abolishment of negative gearing - so long as it...
Low deposits

Are Low Deposit Loans Risky?

All investing comes down to two considerations: risk and return. Ideally, you want to eliminate risk and maximise return. It doesn’t matter...