History of the Top DSR Markets

This report contains a list of the top 100 property markets as they were scored back in their day by the Demand to Supply Ratio (DSR+) of that time.

The idea of the report is to be transparent about the algorithm’s past performance. You can examine the performance of these suburbs independently, but we’ve put in the calculations if you don’t have the time.




The report is provided as a spreadsheet. Columns in the report include:

  • Year and Month
  • Locality
  • State
  • Post code
  • Property type
  • DSR+
  • Growth of the market at various key points:
  • After 1 year
  • After 3 years
  • After 6 years
  • How much the market beat the national average growth over the same periods

You can read more about the DSR+ here.

Please note that the report and insights are in .csv format