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Growth Prediction App – Want to find out what our data intelligence is forecasting about future capital growth for a suburb? is a very cost-effective research tool that predicts the future growth for houses or units in thousands of suburbs across Australia. It provides 1, 2 and 3 year predictions, based on our demand and supply data.
When closing in on your best short-list of suburbs to make a final selection, this is when you turn to to run your capital growth prediction reports. The insights you get from these reports should make that final buying decision a lot easier.

Simple to use, great location selection app.
You have a difficult decision to make, possibly overwhelming, “where to buy”? There are thousands of suburbs to choose from.
It’s only logical you need help to get it right. does all the heavy lifting in sorting great suburbs from not so great suburbs.
No longer will you need weeks to collect, analyse and interpret suburb data to assess each suburb’s pros and cons. This research tool gives you a fast-track option to find the suburbs with the best prospects for future capital growth.

Time to get serious. The DSR Data platform is Select’s premier product. It’s built and used by serious property players. All the data is at your finger-tips to find the very best locations across Australia for strong capital growth in the next few years.
You can filter thousands of suburbs Australia-wide by price range, selling speed, vacancy and many more metrics. You can sort contenders by growth potential, yield or stock on market. You can drill deep into the supply and demand history to compare the best from the rest.
Some of the most recognised and research-driven property businesses in Australia use this tool on a daily basis.

Is it time to sell?
It’s a huge decision. On one side there are big costs with selling. On the other hand, you don’t want to be left with a lemon.
Guess-work simply won’t cut it. You need serious and clever analysis. Sell or Hold helps in 2 ways: it calculates and it forecasts.
How much does your property cost you each year? How much will it grow? How much will it cost to sell? How much will you have in your pocket after? And most importantly, will you be better off selling or holding?

- Testimonials

Troy Mahoney
The most effective and easy to use information tool for property investors. I have been using for 6 years for myself and my clients and you should not buy a property in any suburb without first using this program. You will not be disappointed.

Robert Elton
DSR Data is a valuable tool that we use to understand the locations our customers want to purchase in as money of our home loan customers are located in regions across Australia unfamiliar to us. DSRDATA provides information that isn’t readily available from other sources and certainly not so conveniently aggregated.

Since using DSR Data my process of shortlisting suburbs for further research has significantly been streamlined. Within minutes of setting up my criteria I have a shortlist of suburbs. The ‘context ruler’ allows me to check how my shortlisted suburbs compare to other markets / benchmarks and the ‘historical charts’ allows me to view the last three years’ values. For me property research is all about …demand and supply. This is what DSR Data is all about.

Ben Mcinnes
I have procrastinated over my next investment purchase for some time and having access to LocationScore has given me confidence in my chosen suburb and I have just signed the contract today.

Daniel Gardner
The use of LocationScore has added another tool to the property search tool belt. It has become an essential part of the trade taking plenty of time out to the research process by providing valid, accurate and up to date information to assist in making informed decisions. It is the first port of call when researching an area and takes the leg work out of the research process.

Kip Laverack
Love the website. It’s quick and easy to use and navigate. When researching a property, rather than manually search each individual detail about a suburb, LocationScore wraps it all together on one page which allows you to decide whether to investigate the suburb further or move onto the next. Look forward to more valuable information to come.

Ben Adamson
Location Score is the cure for paralysis by analysis! It allows me to refine my shortlist of suburbs and focus more time on the suburbs with the best growth potential. Thank-you Location Lads for bringing a sophisticated yet affordable tool to the market.